Comments on: Call for an Independent Investigation into British Gymnastics Gymnast Parent Alliance Thu, 09 Jul 2020 08:33:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anonymous Thu, 09 Jul 2020 08:33:00 +0000 I would strongly encourage everyone who feels able to to write to their MP about this.
My advice would be to keep your letter brief, and stick to key facts. It can be hard not to get into a very emotional place because there are so many horrendous stories, but it’s important to try and keep it succinct. When you wrap up your letter, conclude it with a call to action like described above. That might be asking them to ask some Parliamentary questions or stating that whilst you accept that an Independent Inquiry is ongoing you feel that more needs to be done and that these incidents need to be investigated further such as through a Parliamentary Inquiry.
It’s important to know that whilst you do need to provide your personal details in your correspondence to your MP (Parliamentary protocol to prove you are a constituent of that MP) you can ask that you remain anonymous if the MP is talking about this publicly. MPs can get a lot of bad press, but they are elected to represent you and many do go into the job because they want to help people.

Finally, if you don’t get a reply from them straight away don’t be disheartened, sometimes it can take a few weeks, and Parliamentary recess is (at the moment) coming up, however do chase them if you’ve not heard anything after a while.

By: Christine durand Mon, 06 Jul 2020 11:04:11 +0000 More people should come forward it shocks me that coaches can get away with it it effects children for life more coaches to get a criminal record to what they put these poor kids through and they shouldnt b allowed to have there own personal favourite s either
