Comments on: British Gymnastics: Time for REAL Change Gymnast Parent Alliance Thu, 09 Jul 2020 00:58:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: anonymous Thu, 09 Jul 2020 00:58:10 +0000 I’m preparing to talk publicly about my experiences, because even as an adult rec gymnast a lot of what I went through was unacceptable. Even in small new gyms with only a couple of years’ experience between the coaches, these things were still able to happen – what does it say about BG that even coaches new to the sports and to coaching can be at that stage already? Not to mention what happened at a big name gym. Those bad practices and have filtered down into every aspect, until even an adult taking up gymnastics as a hobby can suffer the same way an aspiring young elite can.

By: admin Wed, 08 Jul 2020 16:42:12 +0000 In reply to Anonymous.

I agree entirely. I can’t see how BG can truly reform itself and regain the trust of gymnasts and coaches alike if Jane Allen remains in post. As BG’s CEO since 2010 she has been at the helm throughout the time that most gymnasts are remembering with such pain and too many are reporting how complaints during that period appeared to be covered up or ignored. She somehow weathered the storm of 2017 but, yet again failed to act with genuine commitment to make real and positive change happen. She has either been guilty of ineptitude on a grand scale or of running a deliberate policy to conceal the true nature of competitive gymnastics. Surely there must come a point when BG or Jane Allen herself realise that she, and indeed anyone associated with her, have become so toxic to the brand of British Gymnastics that she, and they, must go. How else can we possibly move forward?

By: Anonymous Wed, 08 Jul 2020 14:06:42 +0000 I didn’t know where to post this, so thought it would be best left here. The situation is not what needs to be investigated, but the organisation as a whole. I’ve visited the BG website and this is what it says.

“British Gymnastics is proud to be the UK Governing Body for the sport of gymnastics. We exist to support, lead and inspire all those involved or interested in gymnastics.

British Gymnastics provides a national directive and structure for the sport; delivering a range of opportunities across the age spectrum to take part and stay in gymnastics, as well as developing talent and delivering top-level success.

The British Gymnastics strategy aims to meet the following vision and core purpose:

Gymnastics is a passion shared by millions.
To create and inspire lasting success for gymnastics.”

If these are the aims, then they have failed. Miserably. There is nothing sustainable about pushing people through a treadmill of competitions until they fail to make the grade and are left damaged by their experiences. Will they continue to participate in the sport later in life, or decide to support children as coaches? Not if they’ve had damaging experiences.
If it’s a passion, then why are so many people talking about how damaging the sport was?

It exists to support and inspire. This is the bit I have the biggest problem with and it’s at the start, so it’s what they apparently prioritise. So if they were following their aims, then supporting gymnasts should be the top of their priority list. It does say all those involved in gymnastics – fair enough, but that does include gymnasts so when a complaint is raised that should mean that the gymnast is prioritised.
There are significant problems with the leadership and Jane Allen needs to consider her future.

By: Anonymous Tue, 07 Jul 2020 12:13:42 +0000 I raised several issues with BG, one of which was when I was informed that a coach on the national squad had a police protection order against her stating she could not work unsupervised with children ( in place before she was awarded the job on national squad) put in place after several serious allegations were made. I contacted ethics and welfare as this person was going to be abroad with the squad and two of my kids were supposed to be going. I asked if there duty of care to my kids allowed such a thing to happen and was told, by BG ethics and welfare….” Our duty of care is to our coaches, not to the gymnasts”
Our kids did not attend that competition, or any others since as part of national squad, so heartbreaking when they spend so much time and energy and completely focus themselves on attaining such a level then not be able to take it up.

By: Frazer Sat, 04 Jul 2020 14:32:24 +0000 Utterly shocking that after all Peggy Liddick has done, that BG would even consider touching her with a bargepole. I’ve followed the USAG dumpster fire with morbid interest for some years now but I never knew things were quite so bad with BG. Please keep up this pressure on TPTB.

By: Anonymous 1 (name provided) Thu, 02 Jul 2020 09:25:19 +0000 I agree that BG has no interest in the gymnast themselves! My daughter was bullied by coaches at two different clubs. Both clubs are a law to themselves! One in particular had very bad management practices. I complained to BG. They did investigate the club, but the club where told about the meeting/inspection in advance and planned accordingly and ‘cheated the system’. BG did nothing and actually sided with the club. My daughter has been psychology scarred from the treatment she received at both past clubs.

I also think the competition structure is overly rigid within the UK. Unfortunately BG has made the sport elitist and not accessible. As a result most clubs only want to train girls going down the compulsory route and disregard all other gymnasts. It needs to change! Why have three different grade routes? Just have one where girls compete according to ability rather than age. This allows for injuries, growth spurts or girls starting later in the sport. Unfortunately BG has made it a very unforgiving and brutal sport with about 90% of girls giving up by age 13. There should be more teens in the sport! In this country it’s a sport for very little girls. Unless you are FIG by 13 then there is nothing you can do with the sport. It’s ridiculous.
